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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
YOGMAYA agarbatti 3
YY brand agarbatti +circles 3
ZED BLACK JOOP agarbatti 3
agarbatti 3
ZED BLACK VIOLIN agarbatti 3
a M.K. AHUJA agarbatti 3
coral agarbatti 3
gomant's KESHRIYA agarbatti 3
hf ARTI agarbatti +god 3
max ECO agarbatti 3
agarbatti 3
perfect SAMRAT agarbatti 3
sap SANDGE agarbatti 3
shimla fancy agarbatti 3
shree JAY gulab agarbatti 3
shree JAY kevada agarbatti 3
SPECIAL KIRTI agarbatties 3
MANGALDEEP puja agarbattis 3
MANN MANDIR agarbattis 3
OM PANCHDEV agarbattis +ova 3
PADMINI agarbattis 3
VANDANA agarbatty +woman 3
r ROCKET agarbatty 3
agarwal 9
agarwal JEWELLERS +ovals 14
A agarwal group +arc 7
A agarwal movers group 37
AS agarwal 1
AS agarwal sweets 30
BABITA agarwal's +butterfly 24
agarwalla timbers +elephant 19
AUTO age 12
BTC natural age +plants 30
COM age 16
EMAMI teen age 3
EMBLAZON a new age in linen 16, 20
ESTEE LAUDER age controllin 3
HARMONY celebrate age 9, 20, 21, 25, 28, 35, 42
ICE age 25
LOVE-age 25
NA new age electronics 9
PG power age 9
POND'S age miracle 3
SAFFOLALIFE heart age finde 16, 44
WWS age factor 5
dermal age +arcs 10
golden age blended whisky 33
reverse the age EGA AYURVED 44
skin age INDEX 42
tech-age +oval 12
aged DB DOON brand 30
MYRAH anti-ageing capsules 5
new anti-ageing formula 4
ABL cycle agencies +oval 1
BHARAT trading agencies 1, 11, 20
BHARAT trading agencies +hu 11
CHOPRA agencies 5
GA GOLDEN agencies 16
GURATO agencies 12
INDRA agencies 35
agencies 39
PITTAPPILLIL agencies 35
ROSEMAN crown agencies ltd. 34
STARR underwriting agencies 36
VARDHMAN agencies 22
shree PREETAM agencies 35
AG-IP-news agency 16, 38
APL mail today agency premi 41
FEROZE'S estate agency 16
JAYNA auto agency 35
KAPOLE advertising agency 16, 35
KISHAN pump agency 37
KNA KIRAN news agency +arcs 38
LAXMI advertising agency 35
MAK shoe agency 25
PORWAL agency +circle 25
SAHEB estate agency +globe 36
TEA THAKKER estate agency 36
WEST END auto agency 12
agent 39
ORBI transfer agent 16
ORBI-transfer agent 9
SMART ticket agent +square 16
TPM-TRAK smart agent 9
JAI GURUDEV textile agents 36
PLACEMENT insurance agents 16
GAMES for all ages 25
ifp-UNILIGHT agfff 1
R.R. agg 30
SOLITAIRE aggarbati +flower 3
CHAMAN DELUXE aggarbatti 3
GF aggarbatti +circles 3
GYATRI MAHIMA aggarbatti 3
aggarwal RELOCATION +bird 39
aggarwal taste redefined 30
aggarwal's NAMKEEN 30
AFP aggarwal's +oval 16, 29, 30, 32, 39, 42
AS aggarwal sweets +oval 35
R.K. aggarwal +clouds 17
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